Level Up Mental Health
Servicing Pasadena and Southern California by Telepsychiatry
Dr. Michael Feldmeier, M.D.
Child and Adult Psychiatrist

Latest Articles
Staying Connected in a Socially Distanced World – 5 Tips to Reduce Loneliness During COVID-19 Pandemic
As we continue to stay at home to do our part to fight the Coronavirus and flatten the curve, it is natural to start to feel lonely or socially isolated. Things we took for granted such as seeing family members on weekends, going out to restaurants with friends, going to movies, or enjoying time at a cafe with a loved one are not going to be an option for another few weeks at least.
Here Are 8 Reasons Why Your Child Benefits From Playing Video Games In MODERATION
If you ask your child why they like to play video games they will likely tell you that they do so because its fun or it helps them to relax. I hope that most parents can appreciate the value of this - your child deserves to have fun and to have a chance to...
5 Ways to Keep Social Media Anxiety Low During the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
Here are the show Notes as I read them: This is Dr. Mike from LEVELUPMENTALHEALTH.COM.Today in my first Facebook Live I'm going to give you FIVE TIPS about setting limits for yourself with social media so that you can have less anxiety now that we are being ordered to...
The Depression of Pandemic – Preventing Depression in the Wake of COVID-19
As I drove back home from the hospital yesterday, I noticed that traffic was lighter. Then tonight as I walked my dog in the early evening I cannot help but notice the lack of foot traffic, the relative emptiness of the street. There are others like me walking their...
Loneliness: The Pandemic Unnoticed
Recently, I have been recommending that my friends, colleagues and loved ones limit their time watching the news and scrolling through social media. There seems to be another contagion besides COVID-19. A contagion created from equal parts fear, greed,...
Parents – Don’t Sleep On This Tip For Raising a Healthy Child
We've all heard how important sleep is, especially for children and teens. One issue that has been popping up recently in our clinic has been families complaining of excessive sleepiness in their child. They are appropriately concerned about why their child is...
Helpful Resources for Parents and Clinicians
Follow the link for a list of helpful parenting resources